Hacking, the act of infiltrating or using computer systems or networks, can be many things: ruthless, dastardly, however, at the same time, an effective weapon for innovation. While that might be a term we attribute to the cybercriminal world, it also relates to ethical hacking, or penetration testing provided to find, and ultimately fix vulnerabilities within a network.
Types of Hacking
White hat hacking (also known as Ethical Hacking):
Conducted with authorization to detect and remediate security risks.
To increase security of systems
Black Hat Hacking (Malicious Hacking)
Hacking maliciosa, crime informático para causar dano ou roubar dados.
Commonly relies on malware, phishing, and other nefarious methods.
Gray Hat Hacking:
White hat & black hat hacking hybrid
It can be unauthorized access, but with a purpose of either informing the owner of the system about the exploit or selling the exploit.
Common Hacking Techniques
Phishing — Trick individuals into submitting sensitive data by sending an email or creating a fake website.
SQL Injection─targeting weaknesses in web apps to read from database without authorization
This attack occurs when an attacker intercepts communication between two parties to either steal data or manipulate information.
Brute Force Attack — Attempting thousands of passwords or permutations to access a system.
Denial of Service (DoS) Attack — Flooding a system with traffic to make it not available.
Protecting Against Hacking
The following are some tips to prevent hacking attacks.
Use strong unique passwords on every online account
OS and Software: Update your OS and software with patches.
Firewall: Deploy a firewall to guard against unauthorized access to your network.
Install antivirus software and make sure to update it regularly
Safer Browsing: Do not click on any strange links or download any file that you see from unknown sources.
Backup Data — All important data should be backed up at regular intervals to prevent data loss.