Did You Know That Encryption Protects Your Digital Life

Did You Know That Encryption Protects Your Digital Life
Did You Know That Encryption Protects Your Digital Life

In simple terms, encryption is the process by which we convert human-readable text (incrypted) to a non-readable cryptic text (encryption). A mathematical algorithm and a secret key are used to do this transformation. The ciphertext can only be converted back to plaintext using the appropriate decryption key.

Types of Encryption

Symmetric Encryption:

Encrypts and decrypts using one single key.

It’s quicker but less secure, since the key has to be shared securely between both parties.

For example AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), DES (Data Encryption Standard)

Asymmetric Encryption:

Works with both a public key and a private key

The public key is shared with everyone and the private key is kept secret.

Data encrypted with the public key will only be decrypted with the corresponding private key.

Specifically, these are: RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman), DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm)

How Encryption Works

Encryption Process:

Plaintext is provided to be processed by a cipher.

The algorithm takes plaintext, a secret key, and applies a mathematical function to create ciphertext.

Decryption Process:

The decryption algorithm takes in the actual input of the ciphertext.

It has the same mathematical function but now applied with the proper decryption key that transforms the ciphertext back into plaintext.

Applications of Encryption

It is also used in applications where sensitive information must be encrypted:

Secure Communication: This stores your emails, instant messages and other communications digitally safe.

Data-at-rest cryptography — Encrypt data that is stored on hard-drives, cloud storage, or any type of storage device.

Safeguarding Online Purchases: Keeping your credit card info and other sensitive data safe during online purchases.

Digital Signatures: Authenticating documents digitally for both integrity and authenticity.

Blockchain Networks: Authentication in blockchain networks

Why Is Strong Encryption So Important

We need strong encryption to compete with the threats that undermine the security of our digital world. It shields our privacy, secures financial information, and blocks access to sensitive information.

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