Whether we acknowledge it or not, the truth is that in this digital era our personal information bounces around networks all day due to its collection and processing on so many different platforms. This has caused a surge in the security and needs for information privacy, as well as its threats which may cause. It is vital for us to know the importance of information privacy in our life and use necessary preventions towards unauthorized access on our data.
What is Information Privacy?
Information privacy are those rights and principles which exclusively go with the collection, processing and storage of personal information. It involves the power of a user to manage who uses their data and shield it from undesired access, corrupt usefulness or disclosure.
Privacy in Information Why?
Identity Theft: Criminals Use Your Personal Information To Commit Fraud/etc.
Monetary Loss: If disclosed, the financial breach can cause an enormous monetary loss for both individuals and companies.
Reputation Damage: When someone leaks their sensitive personal information, it can lead to a negative impression on that guy.
Privacy Violations: Misusing personal data can lead to gross violation of basic privacy rights.
How to Safeguard Your Privacy of Information
Be Cautious of Your Online Behavior
Social Media: Be cautious of the information you post on social media.
Email: Always take care when opening an email from unknown senders and do not click on any suspicious links.
Online Purchases: Make sure that you use unique, strong passwords for each of your online account along with Two Factor Authentication
Use Strong, Unique Passwords:
FORMULATESOMETHINGTHATLOOKSLIKESACOMPLICATEDPASSWORD,ANDENSUREITISSUFFICIENTLYCRYPTIC: Use a mixture of upper and lower case letters; also include numbersothat at least one symbolmusy included.
That ‘s why you should use a password manager which can securely store your passwords.
Be Careful with Public Wi-Fi:
Do not log into your bank account, email or any sensitive information on public Wi-Fi hotspots.
Encrypt your web traffic with a Virtual Private Network (VPN).
Review Privacy Settings:
Update and customize privacy settings for devices, social media accounts, websites & software applications.
Reduce the data you provide to applications and websites.
Stay Informed:
More on Develop Your Privacy Programme How to Keep Informed With What’s Going On with Information Privacy
Look out for data breaches and protect yourself.
Following these points will not only minimize the possibilities of data breaches but also keep you less vulnerable with your own identity. You need to be on your toes and take steps to save that digital footprint of yours.