Essentially, behavioral tracking refers to the tracking and analyzing user behavior so identify what users prefer, how often they do something or where patterns emerge. This is common for businesses as this allows them to better personalize experiences, target advertising efforts and build products and services more suited to the needs of their customers.
Behavioral Tracking Explained
There are several methods to behavioral tracking, such as;
Image: Small text files saved on users’ devices that record long-term browsing habits and preferences.
Tracking Pixel: Small images hidden in websites and emails to track actions on a website.
This is the end to which device fingerprinting lends itself: an identifier (or several) that will tag a users devices across multiple sites.
Pros Of Using Behavioral Tracking
Personal Experiences – Customize content and recommendations according to individual preferences.
Enhanced User Experience: Adapting websites and applications around how users work.
High Quality Advertising : Advertising relevant ads to the right audience.
Behavioral Tracking and Privacy Issues
Though there are advantages of tracking behavior, it sets up an ethical issue in a red flag.
UnderSecrecy — Surveillance: Too much tracking leads to surveillance of users actions online.
User data can be misused: Identity theft or targeted scams by using user data in a negative way.
No Transparency- Many companies are not transparent about the data they collect and what they do with it.
Behavior Manipulation: Companies can use user data to manipulate where the… People have come to realize that their personal and sensitive information is exploited for profit by companies, so it seems natural…
Preventing Behavioral Tracking to Safeguard Your Privacy
Protect yourself from privacy-invading behavioral tracking with the following tips:
Private-Focused Browsers: Some browsers like Firefox and Brave come with added privacy features.
Ad Blockers: Stop annoying ads and trackers.
Clear The Browser : Regularly remove your browsing history, cookies.
Privacy-Focused Search Engines: There are search engines such as DuckDuckGo that respect the privacy of their users.
Use a VPN: When you use VPN all traffic flowing from your side becomes encrypted and hides behind anonymous IPs
Watch Your Social Media Privacy Settings; too much personal information can be a bad thing!